Center for Examinations and Certifications

Celebrating together with the Hellenic American Union – Center for Examinations and Certifications the successful exam session! The joy of Filos’ students who successfully passed the ESOL exams is priceless.
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Интересна тема за интересна дискусија

Интерен вебинар на тема КОМУНИКАЦИЈА (презентер професор ЕЛЕНА СТЕФАНОСКА)
Филос – Единствено приватно училиште во Македонија акредитирано од институција од Обединетото Кралство

New Eaquals Accredited Member: Filos

Eaquals is delighted to welcome Filos School of Foreign Languages to its ever-growing family. Filos LLC has been established since 1995 and has been growing since, making it one of the largest language centres in the Republic of North Macedonia. It is currently the only Eaquals accredited member from this area. The school […]
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